Occlusal Guards

Occlusal Guards

Occlusal guards, known as night guards or bite splints, are custom-made dental devices designed to protect teeth from the harmful effects of bruxism (teeth grinding) and related conditions. These guards are typically made from soft or hard materials. They are worn over the teeth during sleep to cushion the impact of grinding, prevent enamel wear, and alleviate jaw muscle tension. By creating a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, occlusal guards help redistribute forces, reducing the risk of dental damage and relieving TMJ disorders and associated symptoms like headaches and jaw pain. Regular use of occlusal guards, fitted by our dentist in Stockbridge, GA, based on individual dental impressions, is crucial for maintaining dental health and improving oral comfort. 

Who Needs Occlusal Guards? 

  • People who grind or clench their teeth, particularly during sleep, often experience wear and tear on their tooth enamel. Occlusal guards act as a protective barrier, preventing further damage by cushioning the impact of grinding forces. This helps preserve tooth structure and reduces the likelihood of fractures, sensitivity, and other dental complications associated with bruxism. 
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders can cause pain, stiffness, clicking sounds, and limited jaw movement. Occlusal guards can alleviate these symptoms by stabilizing the jaw position and reducing pressure on the TMJ during sleep. This minimizes strain on the jaw joint and associated muscles, relieving discomfort and promoting relaxation. 
  • Individuals who have already experienced dental issues such as worn-down teeth, cracked enamel, or loose teeth due to bruxism can benefit significantly from occlusal guards. By preventing further damage and protecting existing dental work, these guards help maintain oral health and extend the longevity of dental restorations. 
  • Stress and anxiety are common triggers for bruxism. Occlusal guards protect teeth from grinding and help manage stress-related symptoms by promoting a more relaxed jaw position during sleep. This can contribute to overall stress reduction and improved sleep quality. 
  • Individuals involved in contact sports or activities where jaw clenching is common (like weightlifting) may benefit from occlusal guards to protect their teeth from impact and reduce the risk of injury. 

Types of Occlusal Guards 

Soft Occlusal Guards 

Soft occlusal guards are crafted from flexible materials such as silicone or a soft type of acrylic. They are known for their comfort and flexibility and are particularly suitable for individuals with mild to moderate bruxism or who find hard guards uncomfortable. The soft material cushions the teeth, providing a gentle barrier between the upper and lower jaws during grinding. While soft occlusal guards offer comfort, harder types may be able to withstand heavy grinding forces. They are typically recommended for patients who require temporary protection or prefer a softer feel. 

Hard Occlusal Guards 

Hard occlusal guards are made from rigid materials like acrylic or hard resin. These guards are custom fitted to the patient's teeth based on dental impressions, ensuring a precise fit that maximizes protection against teeth grinding. Hard occlusal guards are durable and resilient, capable of withstanding significant grinding forces without losing their shape or effectiveness. They are ideal for individuals with moderate to severe bruxism or needing long-term protection against enamel wear, fractures, and other dental damage. While they may initially take some adjustment for comfort, hard occlusal guards provide robust protection and durability. 

Dual Laminate Occlusal Guards 

Dual laminate occlusal guards combine the benefits of both soft and hard materials to offer a balanced approach to teeth-grinding protection. These guards typically feature a soft inner layer, often made from silicone, which provides cushioning and comfort for the teeth and gums. The outer layer is a harder material, such as acrylic, which enhances durability and resilience against grinding forces. Dual laminate guards are designed to provide optimal comfort and protection, making them suitable for individuals who require both cushioning and durability in their occlusal guard. 

Custom-Fitted Occlusal Guards 

Custom-fitted occlusal guards are individually crafted by our dentist based on impressions taken of the patient's teeth and bite pattern. These guards are fabricated in a dental laboratory to ensure a precise fit that conforms to the contours of the patient's mouth. Custom-fitted guards offer superior comfort and effectiveness in protecting against teeth grinding and minimizing the impact of bruxism on dental health. They are recommended for individuals with varying degrees of bruxism severity, TMJ disorders, or specific dental conditions requiring tailored protection and support. Contact us today to learn more.

The Benefits of Occlusal Guards

Protection Against Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Occlusal guards in Stockbridge, GA, create a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth, cushioning them from the impact of grinding or clenching, especially during sleep. By absorbing the forces exerted on teeth, these guards help prevent excessive wear, fractures, and chips in tooth enamel. This not only preserves the natural structure of the teeth but also reduces the likelihood of developing sensitivity and other complications associated with bruxism.

Management of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)

For individuals experiencing symptoms of TMD, such as jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds, and restricted jaw movement, occlusal guards can offer significant relief. These guards alleviate strain on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) by stabilizing the jaw position and minimizing muscle tension. They promote the relaxation of jaw muscles, which is crucial for reducing pain and improving jaw function.

Preservation of Dental Restorations

Occlusal guards benefit patients with dental restorations like crowns, bridges, or veneers because they help distribute bite forces evenly. This prevents excessive stress on restorative work, prolonging its lifespan and reducing the need for repairs or replacements. By protecting dental investments, occlusal guards contribute to maintaining oral health and dental restorations' longevity.

Occlusal guards play a vital role in dental care by protecting teeth, managing symptoms of TMJ disorders, and promoting overall oral health. Visit Arch Dent Dental Clinic at 101 Center St., Stockbridge, GA 30281, or call (770) 320-8792 to schedule a dental evaluation to discuss custom-fit occlusal guards tailored to your specific needs and begin your journey towards a healthier, more comfortable oral environment.

Arch Dent Dental Clinic


101 Center St.,
Stockbridge GA 30281

Office Hours

MON - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI9:00 am - 1:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed